Feedback Thoughts

(Source: Pixabay)

 The articles that i read for this post were "Rewire your critical brain" by Joel Almeida and "Silence the critical voices in your head" by Sabrina Nawaz.

In the first article, Almeida describes his simple method of changing the way we think. We as a society have made it seem that failure is a bad thing and when you do encounter this, we tend to give up easily. Our brains can be our worst critics if we don't work it. Our minds and thoughts can always change for the better when we decide to.

Almeida also describes his weight loss story and how his method helped him. It is called REBS and it stands for reality-based-self-congratulation. So instead of criticising ourselves when we mess up, we use these setbacks as an opportunity to improve. When in these situations, Almeida tells us that we should use self-congratulation phrases such as "I'm doing this, I'm okay". 

I really like this moment because firstly it brings you into the present. We spend too much time in our minds and it can easily control us, especially when we are not paying attention to it. It also gets us in the habit of positive thinking which can have a great effect on us.

In the second article, Nawaz tells us how the thoughts in our head influence how we see the world. She tells us about a man named Rajeev who only saw his negative feedback towards him. When focusing just on this, he became unmotivated and hid from people. 

Nawaz also tells us how they put a plan in place for him to get out of this way of thinking. They include looking and hearing, understanding the positive and believe in the positive as if it were true. These things helped him get thought his dark thoughts and to become more productive.

I really like this article because this happens to everyone. Our thoughts become our reality so whatever you say to yourself, it truly happens! This is why positive thinking is crucial for anyone wants to succeed because if you don't believe in yourself, who will? Everyone should follow these steps if they want to improve themselves. 
