Unity Tutorial 07

(Source: Myself)

For this post, I'll be talking about the unity tutorials that I did. We did three tutorials on a game where the player is a sphere and an enemy sphere is chasing him. There is a power up in the game that we had to put in. I learnt some good things from these tutorials.

For the first tutorial, we got an introduction to the prototype. We learned how to rotate the camera on a certain axis which the player can rotate vertically on. These were the main things that we learnt as this tutorial was pretty short and simple.

For the second tutorial, we created an enemy ball. We made the enemy spawn at random locations, it follows the player and it can bounce off the player. We learned new code such as normalising values and methods with return values.

For the last tutorial, we created a power up which the player can use. We learned how to create a visual indicator for when the power up is activated and how to stop the power up after a certain period of time. We learned new code such as set active and coroutines.
