

cycle away
(Source: Myself)

For this post, I'll be talking about the changes and updates in my game. I finally have the beta complete so I'll share what's new.

Firstly, I added the terrain for the forrest and added the trees and grass to it. I also added a lake where the player can go to. I then added some animals. I think this turned out pretty good and my game is basically complete.

I also added some A.I cars into my game. This was on my checklist as well so I wanted to get it done with. I looked up some asset online and luckily I found one. However, the asset didn't work as I wanted it to because if I had many cars, they would all crash into each. I think it was made more for racing games than for a traffic system. I just added less cars and placed them so they wouldn't go near each other. 

Since we're only the game for a trailer, I decided to skip out on adding music and sounds to my game as I'm going to be doing that in the editing. This saves me a lot of time as well. The game is pretty much complete and I'm really happy with how it turned out!


  1. Hey Edward

    Let me start off by saying that your game looks fantastic, i have been following the progress of your game for the past few weeks you've defiantly make great improvements to the overall game in general. based on the screenshot the game looks really polished and I really like the polygon shaped aesthetic of the game

    Overall congratulation on the game


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